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Groups and workshops are offered by invite, and clients attending will sign and agree to a group privacy policy.

Workshops will be offered either monthly, or the first and third first Monday of every month, from 6:30- 8 (or 8:30). A specialist will be invited, and invite and pre-registration is required for attendees.

Workshops fee is $18 for a 90-120 minute session with a Health Expert, Art Therapy Information provider, or Resource Access guest speaker.

Groups will begin mid-November, 2016, and will run bi-weekly, the first and third week of each month, from 6:30-7:30 pm, M-Wed. Groups are $10 each session and sold in 6 at $50; The focus and content will be constructed in 6 week content series. The groups are invite only; however, permissions will be
given should a client or outer agency refer and request for an attendee. These offerings are built-in to my practice space as an enhancement to your treatment and well-being. All sessions and groups are
limited to 10 attendees, pre-registered. You must confirm and pay this clinician prior to five days prior to the event as confirmation of attendance.

* Please Note *

*Attendees to groups or workshops are not to discuss the nature of their relationship to the office, or ask each other. The groups and workshops are not social or networking events; connecting on a personal level may exist within the actual group time, all personal information shared is respected by the confidentiality agreement, amongst the attendees and speaker involved. Becoming socially involved otherwise is discouraged, as it compromises the integrity of the group share and the purpose of focusing on skills and content. Given the sensitivity of private information, etc., the attendees and presenters, which will include individuals invited from this and other offices, and will sometimes include the public
will sign they are clear on this attendance policy. Clarification to this degree will be made at the onset and close of workshops and groups, with a signed policy, for each individuals’ protection (to include this clinician), per attending session.

* To register *

Please contact Sara at with interest in any of the following scheduled groups/workshops, and to pre-register.

Groups Service


1345 Jefferson Blvd
Warwick, Rhode Island 02886


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